Luận văn Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)

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  1. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) PREFACE In fact, the development of economic and society depends on many factors but they are primarily dependent mostly on human factors. More than any other resource, people have always occupied an important position in the development of economic and society of a nation. Human Resource Recruitment is one of the basic activities of recruitment in the enterprise, the most influential of business production process. Moreover, through it, people can solve the relations arising in the process of managing the Company. The importance of the human factor in any enterprises or any organizations whether is large scale or small scale is an obvious fact that no one will deny. Among the different component of the economy, human resource is considered as the most precious resource of any enterprises and businesses, playing a very important role in deciding the existence and the development of those enterprises. Apparently, a great volume of capital along with modern equipment, facilities will become worthless without the management of people. So as to have a stand and develop in the market economy, concern about recruiting and training the human resources who meet the requirements of companies is essential – the necessary progress and the initial input of human resource will decide the success of enterprise and influence the whole operation of enterprises in the near future. Human resource is also one of the attributes which bring the overall success or failure for companies. During my internship at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company, I had an opportunity to observe and practice at the Administration and Human Resource Department at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company. As a reputable company in shipping industry, Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company (VOSCO) proposes a logical progress for recruitment. Nonetheless, several problems have occurred in recruitment and not being paid attention by the company. The issue of concentrating on managing recruitment progress from VOSCO still has restricted techniques and number skilled and qualified labors applying for a job in company. Concurrently, a few stages such as using of test methods or detecting health problems for candidates during the progress of recruitment have been DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 i
  2. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) skipped. In fact, it can influence considerably to quality of human resource. For those reasons, I choose the topic "Recommendations to enhance human resources recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company” for my dissertation. Due to the limited practice time and complexity and extensive work should dissertation to practice my many shortcomings, I would like to receive the attention and comments from teachers in subjects organized. Finally, with sincere gratitude I would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoang Son to direct instruction, the entire leader of the company, the uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters in the administrative organization room guided me in internship to complete this dissertation. DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 ii
  3. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor - Msc. Nguyen Viet Hoang Son who helped me complete this dissertation for the continuous support of my dissertation and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my dissertation. I certify that all the materials in this dissertation that is not my own work has been identified, and that no material is included for which a degree has previously been conferred on me. The contents of this dissertation reflect my own personal views, and are not necessarily endorsed by the University I would also like to look forward to receiving input from teachers. HaiPhong, November 15th, 2015 Student: Dang Thi Phuong Hoa. DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 iii
  4. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) ABSTRACT This dissertation with topic “Recommendations to enhance human resources recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company (VOSCO) examines the concept of definition of human resources and how important of human resources recruitment process to the Company. Research methods used in this study: Initially, the model will be checked for validity in interviews with senior executives working in administration department. Next step is checking the data about quantity, sex, age and qualifications of labors in the Company. Based on the data of the paper, the methodology to make analysis on evaluate and predict of the performance of the VOSCO's human resource recruitment in order to discover strengths and weaknesses and improve the human resources recruitment process at VOSCO. It also defines the VOSCO’s human resource recruitment, proposes the recommendations and ideas of the recruitment of human resource at VOSCO. This dissertation will contribute to manage employees more effective and strict and evaluation towards a specific the quality of human resources recruitment process. This dissertation was done on the basis of assessment through some reports about human resources as well as the ways of proceeding, personnel recruitment process of the company to employees. Keywords: Human resource, human resources recruitment, VOSCO, evaluate, method, solutions, recruitment process. DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 iv
  5. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) CONTENTS PREFACE i ABSTRACT iv LIST OF ABBREVEATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 3 1.1. Literature Review 3 1.1.1. What is Human Resource (HR)? 3 1.1.2. What is Human Resources Recruitment (HRR)? 4 1.2. Significance of Human Resources Recruitment 5 1.2.1. For business 5 1.2.2. For employees 5 1.2.3. For society 6 1.3. General human resources recruitment process 6 1.3.1. Definition and role of Human resources recruitment 6 1.3.2. Recruitment Sources 7 1.3.3. General Human resources recruitment process 9 CHAPTER II: CURRENT SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT AT VIETNAM OCEAN SHIPPING JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (VOSCO). 14 2.1. Overview of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company 14 2.1.1. Introduction of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company 14 2.1.2. Brief history 15 2.1.3. Principles and orientations 18 2.1.4. Organization structure and main business of VOSCO 19 2.1.5. Scope of main business 23 DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 v
  6. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) 2.1.6. Infrastructure of VOSCO 24 2.2. Current situation recruitment of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company in 2014 – 2015 24 2.3. Human resources recruitment process at VOSCO 27 2.3.1. General provisions on labor recruitment regulations of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company 27 2.3.2. Recruitment process 28 2.3.3 Mode of labor contracts 40 2.4. Actual labor situation at VOSCO 43 2.4.1. Preliminary of labor structure at VOSCO 43 2.4.2. Classify by education level of employees at VOSCO 44 2.4.3. Review labor structure by age 46 CHAPTER III: ASSESSMENT ANDRECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT PROCESS AT VIETNAM OCEAN SHIPPING JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (VOSCO) 48 3.1. Assessment about recruitment process at VOSCO 48 3.1.1. Strengths 48 3.1.2. Weaknesses 50 3.2. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at VOSCO 51 CONCLUSION 55 REFERENCES 57 DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 vi
  7. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) LIST OF ABBREVEATIONS Dept. Department HR Human Resources HRR Human Resources Recruitment JSC Joint-stock Company M/F Male/Female VINALINE Vietnam Maritime Corporation SQM Safety Quality Management SQEMS Safety, Quality and Environment management system VIETCOSHIP Vietnam Coastal Shipping Company VOSCO Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint – Stock Company DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 vii
  8. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The number of labors recruitment at VOSCO in 2014 – 2015 25 Table 2: Number of officers, crews had been recruited at VOSCO in 2015 26 Table 3: Number of staffs had been recruited at VOSCO in 2015 26 Table 4: The number of employees at some departments of at VOSCO up to the date May 1st, 2015 43 Table 5: Qualification of employees at VOSCO 45 Table 6: Labor structure by ages at VOSCO 46 DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 viii
  9. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: HR recruitment process in business 9 Figure 2: VOSCO’s headquarters image 14 Figure 3: The image of VOSCO’s headquarters in Hai Phong. 16 Figure 4: Organization chart of at VOSCO 19 Figure 5: Human resources recruitment process at VOSCO 29 DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 ix
  10. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO) INTRODUCTION 1. Necessitation For any organization, people are always the most important asset and customer satisfaction begins with the attitudes and abilities and commitment of employees. Effective workers are the best route to success of businesses. The dissertation with the title of topic: “Recommendations to enhance human resources recruitment process At Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company” is a combination of basic theories on human resources recruitment and practical skills. It focus on analyzing labor recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company in term of recruitment as well as proposing some measures to improve in order to response to the increased demands of labor recruitment in the future. Moreover, the recommendations and some solutions are also given in order to attract, training and uphold human resources also reform human resources recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company. Additionally, some general information about Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company is also presented within the paper. 2. Methodology The dissertation targets the assessment of the use and the recruitment of human resources at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company and suggesting some measurement to develop and improve the quality of Human resources recruitment of the Company. The research within the paper is basically based on qualitative and quantitative methods. During the internship, general status of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company human resources is summarized through actual observation and interview to get information from Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company leaders and staffs. The current and detailed human resources recruitment situation will be surveyed based on data mostly gathered from Human Resource and Administration Department of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company. After that, a data, which is analysis, will be established to clarify qualifications and variations of labor source at the company all over time. Qualitative method is also applied to find out the reasons for the matters included. DANG THI PHUONG HOA – GMA02 1